Monday, February 11, 2008

You Probably Didn't Hear It Here First.

After many years of grotesque, cowlike servitude, I am free. This is good news for me, as I was less than fond of both my job and abject poverty. It is good news for my employers, who were not fond of me.

So yes. Freedom...


Katie said...


Where is the new job? If anywhere at all?

Glad to hear you managed to escape at last.

Dave said...

I will be working for a well-known online retailer that happen to be based out of the Cambridge area...

Dave said...

Also, glad to see that the idea I would just walk out (or get fired) came straight to mind.

redspiderlily said...

I'm sure you'll have no idea what to do with all that free time. Maybe it's time you became an RPG player like me.